Compassion in Dying: Stories of Choice and Dignity
Author: Barbara Coombs Le
Whether people have a right to control their own death has become a topic of increasing interest to everyone involved – governments that try to impose their will on individuals, advocates on both sides of the question, and those most directly affected, the terminally ill. This book, inspired by the Compassion in Dying Federation, looks at the issue personally, from the standpoint of the dying and those directly involved in the process. Editor Barbara Coombs Lee highlights stories of individuals and their graceful release into death that can happen when people are given a choice. But there are also powerful accounts by family members, friends, and religious advisers who respected and supported that choice – including those who opted for physician-assisted death. This publication coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Compassion in Dying Federation.
Library Journal
Coombs Lee, editor of this collection of stories about choosing to die, spearheads the nonprofit organization Compassion in Dying, which offers legal and political advocacy, education, and services to support end-of-life decisions and care. She presents the cases of terminally ill patients "seek[ing] death on their own terms" under Oregon's Death with Dignity Law, allowing them, their family and friends, Compassion volunteers, and clergy to tell the stories in their own words. The patients' personal experiences fall against the backdrop of the Death with Dignity Law's origins, challenges, and opposition by right-to-life activists and U.S. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft. These stories ultimately make us aware of the care terminally ill patients receive and argue for the right to die peacefully in the presence of loved ones rather than commit a violent suicide or allow family, pharmacists, and physicians to face prosecution. Those looking to learn about both sides of this issue should also consult Susan M. Behuniak and Arthur G. Swenson's Physician-Assisted Suicide. This well-written and -presented collection is recommended for academic libraries serving health, law, and sociology programs.-Heather O'Brien, Vaughan Memorial Lib., Acadia Univ., N.S. Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.
Tao of Bioenergetics: East-West
Author: George A Katchmer
Synthesizes the energy paradigms of Taoism and psychoanalysts Jung, Reich, and Lowen.